Sunday 6 December 2015

Production Company Logo Ideas

Part of our course involves creating a logo for a production company that would of helped produce the movie we are creating the opening for.

The initial idea for my company was 'Bell Tower', however, I felt this name seemed too generic and uninspired, as well as the fact that this was already the name for numerous companies. I settled on 'Fire Exit', mainly due to the fact that I felt this to be more original and memorable in comparison to 'Bell Tower'.

Below is my first concept design for the logo:

 The background being black works great as it can easily be blended into dark/black segments within movies, the white contrasting this, making it clearly visible. The font in this version is more true to actual fire exit signs, however, I felt it looked too weak and did not catch the audience's eye, as well as not fitting in with the boldness of the logo. Below are two later versions:

The first image above was headed in the right direction, but I still felt that it lacked that eye-catching impact needed to make it memorable. It also, again, seemed out of place in comparison to the thickness of the image. The second one fixes that issue, but leaves a large empty space on the right. Not only this, but all these images leave a blank space below the text, making the logo feel less cohesive.

I tried to solve this issue by creating a border around the image and text, however, this still left a blank space below the text, even if it did make the logo feel more cohesive and professional.

I revamped the design of the logo in my next version, moving the text below utilized the space better and made it look far more professional. The font now matched the boldness of the image and also lined up correctly with it. 

In my final version I added a border to make the logo look far more professional, however the way the image is created leaves an empty space next to the image, which takes away from the professionalism. I decided to revert this step and return to the previous version, which I believed looked far better.

Final version!

Thanks for reading!

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