Saturday 2 January 2016

Costume Design

After coming to the conclusion of the ideas for our opening taking place in a abandoned building, we needed to further develop the connotations and themes of isolation and inhospitably, so we designed an outfit for a character to wear based on these ideas.

The first item of clothing is a gas mask the main character of the opening will wear. Gas masks block out many facial features, sometimes even the eyes, which creates a very menacing effect as removing facial features also removes emotions from the character, making them far more intimidating, as well as somewhat linking to the idea of isolation, i.e being isolated emotionally, but far more towards the ideas of in hospitality, as, not only do gas masks serve a function as to protect from harmful substances, but the ideas explored above also make them far more sinister. 

The next item will be a jacket/overcoat of sorts. This will be used to make the character seem prepared as well as provide connotations into the harshness of the setting, (the location must be inhospitable as he requires all this equipment). A large jacket will also make the character seem bulkier and more dangerous. It could possibly link to the themes of isolation as well, being that he looks very protected, almost as if he is blocking out the outside.

For the lower body, dark, baggy trousers should suffice. As long as the trousers look work-ready/dirty they should fit with the themes demonstrated above. On the trousers, however, pads could be placed over the knees and such to, again, link to the ideas of inhospitably. Footwear will be a pair of dark work boots. This suggest the character has come prepared and creates the idea that the setting is a harsh one.

The character will also wear gloves. Gloves have connotations with hiding ones intentions, so by wearing them the tone will feel more sinister. Also, the gloves have similar connotations with preparedness and, again, suggest the world is inhospitable.

He can also carry a small bag of sorts, just to further the develop the themes of preparedness and the inhospitably of the world. 

See below some of the gas mask we can potentially use:

Please note that the bottom gas mask is too small to be worn, could be used for prop purposes however.

See below mock ups of the outfit:

 This was only a mock up of the idea, you will notice the incorrect shoes being worn, which will be amended with further development of the outfit. I added a pad on my left arm to further increase the ideas of preparedness and the harshness of the setting we aim the opening to take place in. I already own three gas mask that we can choose from, the jacket has many pockets to choose from and the various other items around the torso including the backpack and bag develop that idea of preparedness. The gloves are also heavily padded which further links to the inhospitably of the setting. 

Thanks for reading!

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