Thursday 7 January 2016

Location Photos

As mentioned in previous posts, our opening is adopting an apocalyptic theme, meaning our location will not only have to seem abandoned and empty, but also represent the connotations of hostility and danger that is commonly associated with these settings. See below for these images:

As you can see, the location is of a fairly large size, with multiple rooms of varying size and decoration. This variety will hopefully be interesting to the viewer if we decide to utilize all of them. One thing each part of the location shares is the correct connotations for our piece. Shattered windows representing weakness as well as hostility and violence. The dirty, stained walls show a lack of human interaction, creating connotations of isolation and danger. Litter scattered on the floor shows neglect and themes of hostility and the overgrowing plants only develop the ideas of neglect and isolation. The location may also create many enigma codes, mainly relating to its whereabouts and why the character will be here. It also has plenty of windows which will allow easy natural lighting if needed.

Thanks for reading!

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