Thursday 4 February 2016

Audience Research Questions

Now that I have gathered a vague understanding of the audience for my genre, I will delve into more detail and understanding about what certain demographics would view. I will take three people for a variety of age groups and ask them five questions relating to our movie in order to create a greater understanding of our viewer-base.


 1) Does genre influence your choice in film?
 2) What are some of your favorite movies?
 3) What is your opinion on post-apocalyptic movies?
 4) Would you see a film named "The Twentieth Day"?

Age group: 9 - 14

Tom Hewitt - Age 12:

 1) Does genre influence your choice in film?

- "Kind off, for most movies I'll watch them if they look good, but if a film was a horror I wouldn't watch it."

 2) What are some of your favorite movies?

 - "I don't know, I like Transformers a lot, and Avatar."

 3) What is your opinion on post-apocalyptic movies?

 - "I don't know, I haven't seen many apocalyptic movies, but I like the idea, like in games like Fallout."

 4) Would you see a film named "The Twentieth Day"?

 - "I guess, maybe, I don't really get what it would be about, though."

Reuben Thomas - Age 9:

1) Does genre influence your choice in film?

- "No, I don't think. I prefer, like, cartoons and sport, but I think I would watch most."

 2) What are some of your favorite movies?

 - "My favorite movie is Indiana Jones- all of them."

 3) What is your opinion on post-apocalyptic movies?

 - "What's that?" ( I explain) "Nah, I don't really watch that".

 4) Would you see a film named "The Twentieth Day"?

 - "I don't know"

Anna Hewitt - Age 9:

1) Does genre influence your choice in film?

- "I like cartoons, and Disney. I don't like scary movies."

 2) What are some of your favorite movies?

 - "Frozen, Grease, Cinderella."

 3) What is your opinion on post-apocalyptic movies?

 - "I don't know what that is." (I explain) "I don't know, I haven't watched them."

 4) Would you see a film named "The Twentieth Day"?

 - "Yes!"

Clearly, as the previous audience research suggested, this age group is definitely not interested in films similar to our production. While there are glimmers of interest in the older half of this section, there is still very little evidence to support making a movie aimed at this demographic with the themes we are using in ours.

Age Group 15 - 24

Jamie Hewitt - Age 19:

1) Does genre influence your choice in film?

- "Yes, I'm not a big fan of dramas or romance, I enjoy comedies mainly."

 2) What are some of your favorite movies?

 - "The Naked Gun, Airplane!"

 3) What is your opinion on post-apocalyptic movies?

 - "Depends if the movies is good or not, but I'd go and watch movies in that setting."

 4) Would you see a film named "The Twentieth Day"?

 - "I don't know, depends if it looks good or not."

George Burton-Barker - Age 20:

1) Does genre influence your choice in film?

- "Yeah. I'm not really a fan of animated movies"

 2) What are some of your favorite movies?

 - "Drive, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, The Alan Partridge move."

 3) What is your opinion on post-apocalyptic movies?

 - "It's pretty cool. If the film looks good I'll watch it but I do think it is a little overdone."

 4) Would you see a film named "The Twentieth Day"?

 - "Yeah, I guess."

Jazmine Hewitt - Age 17:

1) Does genre influence your choice in film?

- "Not really, I'll watch anything. I like to watch with friends, though."

 2) What are some of your favorite movies?

 - "Anchorman, Paranormal Activity."

 3) What is your opinion on post-apocalyptic movies?

 - "It's not my favorite genre, but I wouldn't not watch it."

 4) Would you see a film named "The Twentieth Day"?

 - "Maybe, yeah."

Age Group 25 - 50

Vaughan Hewitt - Age 47

1) Does genre influence your choice in film?

- "Not really, but I wouldn't go and see , say, the newest Disney film on my own accord. I would probably go and watch gangster movies in the cinema, though."

 2) What are some of your favorite movies?

 - "The Untouchables, Goodfellas and Scarface."

 3) What is your opinion on post-apocalyptic movies?

 - "I enjoy movies based on their quality, that said, I do enjoy movies in that setting."

 4) Would you see a film named "The Twentieth Day"?

 - "I'd have to have a look at the trailer, see if it looks good."

Morgan Thomas - Age 34

1) Does genre influence your choice in film?

- "No, I don't think so. I'll go see a movie if I think it will be good."

 2) What are some of your favorite movies?

 - "All the Back To The Futures."

 3) What is your opinion on post-apocalyptic movies?

 - "I haven't seen many, but I thought the Book Of Eli was very good, and I kind of like the idea of that setting."

 4) Would you see a film named "The Twentieth Day"?

 - "Yeah, sounds interesting."

Melanie Hewitt - Age 44

1) Does genre influence your choice in film?

- "I think I like any film as long as they are good."

 2) What are some of your favorite movies?

 - "The Goonies!"

 3) What is your opinion on post-apocalyptic movies?

 - "I quite like them, I like the danger of it."

 4) Would you see a film named "The Twentieth Day"?

 - "Maybe, I don't know what to expect."

I think it is clear that the audience research prior to this was rather accurate in its findings. As expected, the very young audiences were not interesting, but surprisingly, the late teens to young adults were not to keen either, who seemed to prefer comedies to the dramatic style of other films. As suggested by the audience research, the middle-aged audience seemed far more receptive to the connotations and ideas of our movie. However, a clear common ground between nearly all asked was the fact that they would see the movie based on their own opinion of its quality, suggesting that, while we should set our target audience to be aimed between the years of 25 - 50, the quality of the movie will be the most important factor in its success.

Thanks for reading!

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