Thursday 4 February 2016

The Twentieth Day | Auditions

We tried out a variety of actors to be featured in our movie, each taking part in a recorded audition so we could form a judgement based on their performances. See below for the auditions:

We decided Alex Wiseman to play the main role in our production, for several reasons. Firstly, we felt his size and stature, being tall and physical, would help develop the connotations of an inhospitable environment that we were aiming to demonstrate. Secondly, Alex's acting abilities (despite only walking) suited the role perfectly, as he was able to seem curious, yet focused, which is what we needed. Also, by having another actor play the role, it allowed for Josh and I to really focus our creative input on the camera work and sound design, leading to an overall better project. 

Our second audition was Jamie Hewitt. While Jamie had potential, we felt that his physical shape had less impact in comparison to Alex's, being that he is considerably shorter. From the short audition clip, you will also notice Jay's inability to keep a straight/serious face. This would be detrimental to our project which has a very serious direction. We also felt that in this audition, Jay lacked the curious yet focused trait that Alex Wiseman achieved in his. All these points led us to the decision to not utilize Jamie in our production.

The next audition was myself, however, this failed for numerous reasons. Firstly, my body shape and size does not correlate with the connotations of inhospitably featured in our production. I also suffered a similar problem to Jamie, in which I struggled to remain serious and focused in the audition, which would spoil the mood and increase recording time in the actual project. I also failed to capture the curious and focused tone that Alex achieved, as my walk was far to fast and uninteresting. Furthermore, if I was not acting, I would have far more creative input from the directors point of view, which would lead to a better product. All these choices led us to believe that I was not suitable for the role. 

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